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The open-ended cuff boasts a bold, fixed structure and showcases the theatrical profile of the egret bird. Available in two sizes and finished in high-polish silver.
This bracelet has such a unique shape! The architectural design makes it wonderful and so versatile! I would highly recommend purchasing this bracelet. You will NOT be disappointed!
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product Cuff278.00// Jewelry284225142939Bracelets320327385243Colette Pieces313576095899Exchanges290053521563GWP Qualifier320303923355Inspo at The Shop283790049435Inventory stock is greater than 0318790271131Sculptural Birds285152706715Shop JB173279876Silver315176321179The Egrets
The open-ended cuff boasts a bold, fixed structure and showcases the theatrical profile of the egret bird. Available in two sizes and finished in high-polish silver.